Saturday, October 3, 2009

Simple Tips

Campaign "sign blitz" work is pretty easy. But unless you've done it before, you might find out a few things the hard way. So here are some simple tips to make the job easier.

The first tip, if you're riding a motorcycle, is "Save the box!" These are the boxes that the signs come in from the factory. If you bungee a few dozen loose signs on the back of your bike, things get out of control in a hurry. But if you securely strap the box they came in to your luggage rack, and then load it with campaign signs (upside down - wires poking up), you'll have a ready-made "sign magazine."

Median strips are often a great place to put campaigns signs. The easiest way to get to the prime spots is to pull up to a lighted intersection like you're making a left turn. When you stop, your ole' lady jumps off the bike, plants a sign, and hops back on. If the light changes, just take the turn (or U-turn) and circle back around.

Watch out for fire ants. Those little bastards can climb up your leg before you know it. There isn't always a mound of dirt to warn you, especially if there's a storm drain nearby. Just to be safe, always stomp your feet once you're done putting in any sign. It's never a good thing to have ants in your pants while you're pulling into traffic.

Sometimes the dirt his hard-packed, or there's a lot of gravel beneath the surface. Bring a claw hammer and a 12-inch nail. It's amazing to see how easy they go in when you've got the right tools. You can even put signs into pavement or concrete if you can find a rubber seam. It makes a big impression when your candidate is the only one with signs on the median.

When it comes to prime spots, the best are median end caps at lighted intersections. Drivers sit for a little while with nothing else to look at. It's no surprise that these end caps are the first ones taken by competing sign crews. The sooner you can stake your claim, the better.

It also helps to imagine how signs look to drivers coming from different directions. If you have to share an end cap with another sign, try to get the left-side of the far end cap (when viewed from across the intersection). Avoid utility poles, and NEVER block a road safety sign.

There are a lot of other things I could mention, like bringing gloves, using suncreen, and not blocking the roadway. Your safety and the safety of others around you is YOUR responsiblity, so don't be stupid and take chances. Of course you can NEVER remove your competitor's signs ... that's a federal crime. Don't break any other laws, or else your candidate will have to pay the price.

Got tips yourself? Have any questions? Email

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