Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Volunteers for Groundhog Day

Today is Groundhog Day, a day that inspired the movie in which Bill Murray keeps re-living the same day, over and over ... until he gets it right.

With that in mind, I'm asking for your help ... so we as activists can set ourselves on the right path, and make some real and lasting progress this year.

For 18 out of 20 states that have helmet laws, 2010 is an election year. So I'm looking for 18 volunteers, one from each of these states, to lend a hand during the upcoming campaign season.

What's involved? Three important tasks:

1. Finding out which state senate and house (or assembly) seats will be up for election
2. Finding out who (if anyone) is running for these open seats
3. Finding out where the candidates stand on the helmet law

While this sounds like a lot of work (and it is) it's actually pretty manageable -- if it's done in bite-size chunks. It's also a project that can be done over the course of several months. We're just trying to get a good head start.

Fortunately, bikers from three (3) of these states have already stepped up, completing the first task of identifying the open seats. If you check out the ELECTIONS page at RIDE2REPEAL.COM, you'll see a complete list of open seats for Massachusetts, Oregon, and West Virginia. That didn't happen by itself. These three activists took the time to look it all up and send it in, and we all owe them our thanks for taking the initiative.

But speaking of bite-size, there is no way we can stay on top of every single race in each of the 18 states. Manpower wise, I only have the capacity to support another two or three states this year. But beyond that, the work load will start to become unmanageable ... and I don't intend to start getting sloppy when it comes to supporting my fellow activists.

So while I'm extending this invitation to all bikers, by necessity some of those 18 states will have to wait until 2012 for any meaningful support from RIDE2REPEAL.COM.

Personally, I'll be happy to give my full effort to the three states that we already do have on board. But just the same, I welcome any and all comers who are ready to bump up the number of biker-friendly legislators in their state capitals.

Please reply if you're ready for us to help you change your election results this year.

- RIDE2REPEAL@gmail.com

PS: Thanks to Jimi for the catching the numbers mistake. My bad.

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