Monday, April 11, 2011

Moving Mountains

Repealing the motorcycle helmet law is like trying to dig a tunnel through a mountain. We know that once built, the road will be smooth and easy.

But that's a big mountain.

So far we've had limited success, digging with our hands and whatever else we can get a hold of. Shovels, pick axes, pry bars ... and a whole lot of blood, sweat, and tears. If only we had more helping hands.

That's why we spend a lot of time and effort looking for more people. Skills and aptitude don't matter, as long as we can increase our numbers. And it doesn't matter whether you actually dig, since we need more recruiters, safety inspectors, team supervisors, eloquent preachers, trash collectors, and even a dog catcher.

So to keep the operation going, we created a whole mining town, complete with a Board of Directors to keep everything under control. But running the town takes a lot of time and money, too. In fact, we need more resources for running the mining town itself than we do for actually digging.

The current state of bikers rights is that we spend more time on the mining town than we do at actually digging that tunnel. There's got to be a better way.

Fortunately, there is.

We now have a powerful tool at our disposal, called the Repeal Machine. So instead of digging with our hands, dealing with constant cave-ins, and getting sucked into the drama of life in a mining town, we can quickly drill a clean, wide hole straight through to the other side. Best of all, we can complete the job with the people we already have.

If you're like me, you're tired of digging ... and ready to ride.

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