Wednesday, November 17, 2010

CA » SD-17 (Palmdale)

Now that Senator George Runner is moving up to the State Board of Equalization, he'll give up his SD-17 seat on Jan 3. And that means another special election.

Here is a recent news article about it:
Special election will decide who fills Runner's Senate seat

This makes a total of at least four special elections across California in the immediate future ... perhaps more, if any assembly members win races for the open senate seats.

Now that the November elections are behind us, we can concentrate our efforts in special elections. As long as they feature at least one candidate who supports repeal of the motorcycle helmet law (and that candidate is electable) then our efforts will be time well spent.



  1. Why do you want to repeal the helmet law so badly?

  2. It's my decision, and I choose to peacefully live my life in my own way. Forcing me to wear a helmet is no different than forcing a woman to wear a burkha. In both cases, those in power have deemed it to be "for your own good." And in the process of restoring my personal freedom, we also start making the government respect the people instead of lording over them like domesticated livestock.
