Saturday, December 11, 2010

Winding Down (and Up)

It's been a busy year, and I'm looking forward to a more gentle pace. When 48 out of 50 states are having elections, it's downright overwhelming at times. But it's also been a learning experience, and there never seems to be enough learning or experience when it comes to bikers and elections.

Coming on the heels of an election, it's still pretty busy. There are special elections going on in quite a few states due to the "trickle up" effect of political advancement. When someone gets elected or appointed to a higher office, there's a vacancy to be filled.

If you're a biker living in one of the following states, and you want to EARN your freedom, you should be paying close attention to these races:

AR HD-24
CA SD-1 (Sacramento)
CA SD-17 (Palmdale)
CA SD-28 (Torrance)
DC City Council (At-Large)
GA HD-136
GA HD-178
IA SD-48 (Osceola)
LA HD-22
MS SD-6 (Tupelo)
MS SD-12 (Shelby)
MS HD-116 (D'Iberville)
OK SD-47 (Edmund)
PA HD-185 (Philadelphia)
TX HD-44 (San Antonio)
VA HD-8 (Salem)
VA SD-19 (Danville)

Unless my math is wrong, that makes 18 races that are going on as of today. How many bikers are aware of these races? All it takes is a few to make a difference.

Campaign volunteers have far more political power than most people realize. Politicians know it, of course, because they depend on them to get where they're going.

Do you?

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