Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Website Update

The database project is coming along well. I've entered the results from the last whole election cycle for California and Oregon elections. That means each legislative seat shows the results from both Primary and General elections. The election history goes deeper for seats that have been filled through special elections.

I've also added all the helmet law repeal bills I could find, as well as any other important motorcycle bills. I skipped the fluff stuff, like motorcycle awareness proclamations, since voting Yea or Nay doesn't really prove whether a politician is a nanny-crat.

What's really important is that the two are now linked up in the database. That means we'll be able to see who sponsored which bills, as well as how they voted on the bills. Unfortunately some bills never got voted on, so there will be some blank spots.

Despite the progress, the self-imposed deadline is fast approaching. With that in mind, I'm prioritizing the order in which states get loaded into the database. The earlier the primary, the sooner they get completed. Oregon is first up on the primary schedule, so that's why they got completed first.

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