Thursday, March 1, 2012

Where's the Website?

The new website isn't quite ready yet. I was hoping to have it up and running by the end of February. But despite very long hours and clearing a few major hurdles, it's not ready yet.

I'm currently working with our new web hosting service to configure the files. Once that's done, I can start rolling out the new features. But in the mean time, here's a little news you can use.

The major milestones in an election year are the candidate filing deadline, the primary election, and general election dates. The first two vary considerably from state to state, but all states holding 2012 elections will have their general elections on November 6.

Regarding the filing deadlines and primaries, here are the dates for states with mandatory helmet laws (sorted in order of filing date):


-- -------- -------- --------
NC 02/29/12 05/08/12 11/06/12
-- -------- -------- --------
NE 03/01/12 05/15/12 11/06/12
OR 03/06/12 05/15/12 11/06/12
CA 03/14/12 06/05/12 11/06/12
NV 03/16/12 06/12/12 11/06/12
MO 03/27/12 08/07/12 11/06/12
-- -------- -------- --------
TN 04/05/12 08/02/12 11/06/12
-- -------- -------- --------
MI 05/15/12 08/07/12 11/06/12
WA 05/18/12 08/07/12 11/06/12
GA 05/25/12 07/31/12 11/06/12
-- -------- -------- --------
MA 06/05/12 09/06/12 11/06/12
VT 06/14/12 08/28/12 11/06/12
-- -------- -------- --------
WV ??/??/12 05/08/12 11/06/12
NY ??/??/12 09/11/12 11/06/12
MD ??/??/12 09/11/12 11/06/12
DC ??/??/12 05/15/12 11/06/12
AL ??/??/12 06/05/12 11/06/12

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