Saturday, February 7, 2009

Underlying Principles

First Things First

"RIDE2REPEAL.COM" is an effective and efficient process that has one purpose: Ending universal helmet laws.

Our process didn't come into being by accident. The underlying principles are the foundation of what makes it so unique and so powerful.

Helmet laws come from state capitols, and that's the only place they can be repealed. If a majority of legislators (and the governor) support repeal, the helmet law is dead and gone. Win the battle at the capitol, and you've won the war.

Distractions and Diversions

Now that we've found the decisive battleground, we have to figure out how to win the battle. Any activity that doesn't help us gain a legislative majority is cut out of the process.

A prime example would be writing letters to the editor of a newspaper. Even if we made a good point, it would not guarantee a single floor vote on a helmet bill. Besides, all it takes is one Ben Roethlisberger crash to undo even the most reasoned argment.

The next step is to determine how effective various tactics are. Writing letters and making phone calls to your representatives is a common practice, especially during the legislative session. But there is a lot of competition for their attention, and this isn't nearly as effective as working in a candidate's campaign during the election season.

Campaign Work WORKS

For one thing, politicians are more inclined to listen to you when they need your help. And more importantly, elected officials are always most loyal to the people that got them elected and can help them stay in office. And lastly, candidates value campaign workers more than money.

So the better bikers are at doing doing campaign work, the faster they will repeal the helmet law. And that's working smart. The only remaining task then, is to get as efficient as we can at doing it. And that, my friends, is exactly what RIDE2REPEAL.COM is all about.

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