Sunday, February 8, 2009

< VA > Richmond

Delegate Frank Hargrove, a long time foe of bikers, has announced his retirement after 28 years in the VA House of Delegates. VA House District 55 is just north of Richmond, encompassing the majority of Hanover County. This district also includes Mechanicsville, Ashland, and the I-95 corridor north of Richmond.

Hargrove has consistently voted against adult choice on helmets. According to his own website, he "has been instrumental in defeating attempts to repeal VA's motorcycle helmet law." That's the truth. He's helped keep bikers in a headlock for decades.

Hargrove's retirement now presents Virginia bikers with a chance to get one vote closer to overturning their state helmet law. But even if his replacement still votes against us, it won't be nearly as bad as it has been. That's because Hargrove has always been front-and-center at lobbying his colleagues against a biker's freedom.

Fortunately in the Richmond area we have a good number of biker activists, not to mention quite a few Email Alert subscribers. When the general election rolls around in November, we'll be ready to roll. Regardless of who wins the election, they'll know that bikers had a big hand in the outcome.


Names keep popping up as possible replacements for Hargrove. Retired naval officer and Mechanicsville business owner Jerry Burch was mentioned recently in the Hanover Progress Herald. Virginia Prosecutor and Army Reservist Rusty McGuire is has recently been active at courting the public. Another contender is Ashland businessman John Cox who, according to the Virginia Public Access Project website, is the only officially declared candidate to date.

An ABATE officer will be meeting with our Bill Sponsors soon, and they'll be discussing the above candidates. There are also a few dozen other delegate seats that are being contested. Hopefully we'll start getting some good feedback from our Bill Sponsors so we can endorse candidates before the primaries get underway.

In the mean time, feel free to contact us at with your questions, comments, feedback, etc.

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